a tetralogy by Liam Birch
Main Characters
Illustrations drawn by Nikita Klinger (age 13),
one of my former students.

Tholus is the Crown Prince of Andaraya, heir apparent and eldest child of King Paleon and Queen Retra. Although only sixteen, he has been trained through the palace military system from a young age and has already been elevated to the rank of Lieutenant. He tends to spend much of his time with Lady Lena of Aldragon, often oblivious to the fact that she loves him.

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Maenus is the second child of King Paleon and Queen Retra, second in line to the throne of Andaraya and the second son of the Royal House of Draken. He is tutored by Lord Perik Aldragon and seems to be, compared to his brother, the level-headed one in the family. He is fifteen and, like Tholus, has been trained within the palace military system.

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Lena is the second child and only daughter of Lord Perik Aldragon, of the Noble House of Aldragon of Delvallon. Her family inherited the highest rank of nobility during the time of the Quadrasect Wars. She is sixteen years old and, although she does not want to admit it, has a deep crush on Tholus, the Crown Prince of Andaraya.

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Myrren is a bit of an unknown, chancing upon Maenus during his travels one day. She is fifteen and rides a pure white mare, rarely revealing much about herself. She is carefree and intelligent and clearly loves to play with boys' emotions.

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Jotten is the eldest son of the House of Aldragon, however, he disinherited himself when he walked away from the nobility some six years ago. Lena is his younger sister and he keeps to himself in a makeshift 'castle' in the deep south of Andaraya.

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Supporting Characters
Perik is the patriarch of the House of Aldragon of Delvallon. He is head of the noble council and considered one of the wisest men in the country due to his extensive education and research. Perik is a close confidante of the King and Queen and through them has become the tutor of young prince Maenus.
Lavaya is the keeper of the Nature Dale on the southern shore of the River Lite. She is an enigmatic woman who seems to know quite a lot about the goings-on in Andaraya.
The Sorcerer is a well-known conjurer and magician who maintains his practice on Sorcery Mount, as his forebears have done for many centuries. He maintains a healthy relationship with the monarchy who, from time to time, call on his abilities to assist them.
King Paleon is the head of state of Andaraya, the patriarch of the House of Draken and the father of main characters Tholus and Maenus.
The Monk is a hermit who practises the black arts in the caves of Rainbow Mountain. His tendency to get involved in events in Andaraya brings him under much scrutiny.
Illustrations by Nikita Klinger
© Liam Birch, 1989-2023