a tetralogy by Liam Birch

Genealogical Line of the Spirits


Axor - Supreme Spirit and King. Spirit of the Sky. He is one of the supreme four - Axor, Drava, Xoan and Fermilia, the first four Spirits and siblings. He carries a pike.

Drava - Spirit of Love and Kindness. She wears a rose and is sister and consort to Axor. She is entrusted with the care of Inception's body on Andaraya.

Fermilia - Spirit of the Earth. She wears goldenrod and maintains her palace on Earth. She is the sister and consort of Xoan.

Xoan - Spirit of the Sea. His palace is far beneath the waves of the Great Sea and he carries a trident.

Foramangata - Enchantress of the Deep Sea. Foramangata is not technically a Spirit, but she does have immortality and possesses strange powers. She is the mother of Gresh by Xoan. She too lives in a palace under the sea, but on the other side of Andaraya from Xoan.


Glenor - Spirit of the Dead. He is the ruler of the Clime, the opposing kingdom to Keverlam. Although he is originally one of the Keverlam Spirits, his rule over the dead tends to segregate him from his kin. He is the son of Axor and Drava and carries a massive black scythe.

Qillsa - Spirit of Light. She is the sister and consort of Glenor although she does not live with him. She remains in Keverlam and wears a lily.

Ravak - Spirit of War. He carries a lance and is brother to Glenor and Qillsa. His consort is Nylia. He has the ability to project images, or simulacra, anywhere in the world. They usually serve as signs or portents.

Nylia - Spirit of Nature. She wears a gladiola and is the twin sister of Loveka, daughters of Xoan and Fermilia. She is consort to Ravak, Spirit of war.

Loveka - Spirit of Fertility. She wears a crocus and is twin sister of Nylia. She is the mother of both Ysp and Prinon by being twice ravished by Axor.

Gresh - Spirit of Demons. He is the offspring of Xoan and Foramangata, although it is believed not willingly on Xoan's part. He rules the demons in Demonia, the spirit plane.


Ysp - Spirit of Time. He carries a white scythe much like Glenor's. He is the son of Axor and Loveka and rules the netherworld of Lymbo. He has been known for his neutrality in times of war and his indifference in times of peace. A very mysterious character, he tends to appear at the most crucial of times.

Prinon - Spirit of the Sun. He carries a sai and rules his palace behind the sun. He is the brother of Ysp, son of Loveka and Axor.

Gwolen - Spirit of Weather. Gwolen is the son of Qillsa and Xoan, who both broke their consort arrangements. He carries a bowstaff and commands the Vapours that cause good and bad weather.

Nanurkem - Messenger Spirit. Son of Qillsa and Glenor and brother to Samast. Nanurkem carries a horn that symbolises the people of Andaraya. His palace is on Earth in the far lands beyond the Shining Forest. He does liase between Keverlam and Andaraya from time to time.

Samast - Spirit of Labour. Samast is also son of Qillsa and Glenor, brother to Nanurkem. His consort is Barem, the two of which have become a model of fidelity among the Spirits. He carries a pickaxe.

Barem - Spirit of Courage. She wears an orchid and is the mother of Sinsi by Samast. She is the daughter of Ravak and Nylia, and sister of Flasp.

Flasp - Spirit of Fire. He carries a torch and is consort to his other sister Tekelia.

Tekelia - Spirit of Health. She wears lavender and is consort to her brother Flasp. She mothered the twins Immon and Mystord as well as Colora.


Sinsi - Spirit of Mercy. She is the daughter of Samast and Barem and is mother of the moon by Prinon. She wears violet.

Immon - Spirit of Destiny and Master of Fate. Immon is effectively the henchman of Lymbo, under Ysp. He carries a sickle.

Mystord - Spirit of Mystery. Twin brother of Immon, Mystord carries a sceptre.

Colora - Spirit of the Rainbow. Colora lives in her palace within the rainbow but is often seen in Keverlam. She is daughter of Flasp and Tekelia, sister of the twins Immon and Mystord. She wears a Jonquil.


Sephas - Spirit of the Moon and son of Sinsi and Prinon, the Sun. He carries a spear and lives in his palace behind the first moon.


The Vapours - Cirrus, Cumulus, Nimbus and Stratus. Sons of Gwolen, the weather Spirit.

© Liam Birch, 1989-2023