Rupert Annual 1980


Rupert and the Noisy Firework

The Firemaker began as a cyclical chord progression that just worked its way back
to the original chord going round and round without end. When I decided to use it for
the Rupert Project, it was necessary to splinter the verses and add new ideas for the
chorus melody. Eventually, I came up with the final melody which does well to break
up the static feel of the remainder of the song.

  1   2   3
  It's time to build a fire
Throw all the wood on the pyre
  The guy goes up in a blaze
All the crowd are amazed
  Not everyone agrees
  4   5   6
  Still the creatures have to sleep   Fun comes with the dawn   But there's daffodils on the lawn
  7   8   9
  It's time to find why they grow
Into the autumn ere the snow
  It seems a wood imp has been lost
And jumbled seasons are the cost
  Rupert takes him home to stay
  10   11   12
  Tomorrow they will find his way   Back into the trees   Help us now, won't you please?
  13   14   15
  It's time to show him the route
That leads underneath the roots
  And back to where the imps belong
Where winter's sleep can carry on
  Then Rupert takes his leave
  16   17   18
  And climbs the stairs that weave   From the depths up to the trees   Where his friends are waiting...
  19       20
  It's time to build a fire
Throw all the wood on the pyre
      Watch the lights flying high
To bless the stars in the sky
© Liam Birch, 1994-2007
Images © Copyright, Express Newspapers Ltd. 1995