The RUPERT Project
Rupert Annual 1980

Back in 1980, when I was a wee lad of five, my paternal Grandparents sent
me a book for Christmas. It was the 1980 Rupert Annual from the Daily
Express. At the time, I had neither heard of Rupert, nor seen anything of
the books.

In 1994 I developed a melody that reminded me of rain. Wanting to pursue this
line of thinking, I matched the melody up with the first of the stories in the 1980 annual: Rupert and the Flavours. The story gave me the lyrical idea and soon
I had a completed song entitled The Rainmaker. It was then my purpose to
write a similar song for each of the remaining three stories in the annual.
It would, however, take seven years to complete.


The 1980 Annual

Rainmaker   Magicmaker   Snowmaker   Oceanmaker
Rainmaker   Magicmaker   Snowmaker   Oceanmaker
The 1995 Annual
Treasuremaker   Starmaker   Firemaker   Treemaker
Treasuremaker   Rainmaker   Firemaker   Treemaker
The 2001 Annual
Queenmaker   Seamaker   Pearlmaker   Nutmaker
Queenmaker   Seamaker   Pearlmaker   Nutmaker
© Liam Birch, 1994-2007