Rupert Annual 1980


Rupert and the Nut Hatch

The Nutmaker was in a similar boat as The Pearlmaker - I wrote it the day after
I finished the previous one. Such was my desire to get the 2001 annual finished
(I hate having lingering projects...). A nice little tune for one of the shorter stories in the book.

  Can you feel the bite of the wind
It seems to tell that autumn is in
  Rupert and Bill are scouring around for any sign of chestnuts or acorns on the ground   Can you see them, the elves
roaming near
  Gathering all the nuts so it seems
there's nothing here
  It seems so strange that the elves
can disappear into thin air
  Quietly wandering amidst all
the trees
  The loss of food has the animals
in tears
  Squirrels and hedgehogs -
they search here and there
They've stripped the forest of all
that it wears
  Bill and Rupert have taken on
the case
  Down the hatch go the spoils of
the race
  And down go bear and badger -
Their noses in a somewhat
secret place
      In a moment the chief of elves
appears and gives them the tour to
stay any fears
  Despite the hoarding of nuts from
the woods the elves are growing
new trees with the goods
  A new understanding of nature
spinning round
  A calm reminder to leave some
on the ground
  For those who need the nourishment of all
that they have found
© Liam Birch, 1994-2007
Images © Copyright, Express Newspapers Ltd. 2001