Rupert Annual 1980


Rupert and the Ocean Office

This was the third song written and by far the best of the three. The melody riff was
one that I absolutely adored playing and from the start, I knew that it would work
perfectly with the sea motif. When Carol Strachan of the UWO Choir decided on a
" Songs of the Sea" theme for the 2000 Spring Concert, I quickly scoured my
catalogue for an appropriate piece. I settled on The Oceanmaker but I wanted
there to be an extra edge to the presentation. I contemplated having the pictures
from the story projected onto the screen behind me while I played. The problem was
getting the images on the screen at little cost...!

Mitchell Fong came to the rescue with his immense and gadget-laden camera.
We took photos of the stills we wanted and then converted them into slides.
For the performance, I played in the dark while Mirjam Urb turned the slides for people
to follow along with. It provided a wonderful visual for the song, especially for those
North Americans who hadn't heard of Rupert before.

  A holiday in San Remo, a holiday by the sea   Bill my friend explores with me, the wondrous waves upon the sea   Away from land towards the sun, the two-man ship searches for fun
  Enjoy the day, two friends of fame
Rupert decides to laze away
      But suddenly a storm prevails -
they try to flee to no avail
  The pair are split - the ocean parts the way and sends the friends by currents far away   Rupert smiles at the island under foot   Neptune's office in the middle of the sea
  Where creatures by the day send
lost ones to their fate
  And the Walrus asks of Rupert
what to make
  To San Remo where mummy waits for me, I must find my friend who carries the oars for me
  But horses take the reins to a haven far away       Rupert needs a helping hand
  Rupert claims he has the proof to get him home
The rock of Shrimpsea Bay -
the Walrus ponders on
  And by the time the Office
signs him on his way
The friends are back en route
to save the holiday
  To San Remo where mummy waits for me
  I must find my friend who
carries the oars for me
      A holiday in San Remo -
a holiday by the sea...
© Liam Birch, 1994-2007
Images © Copyright, Express Newspapers Ltd. 1980