Rupert Annual 1980


Rupert and the Coronation

With the 1980 annual under my belt, I felt that it was only a matter of time before I chanced
upon a melody to begin a second book of stories. The problem was needing another book
of stories to put the music to. In a sheer stroke of luck, I found four annuals at a local used
book shop - in impeccable shape. The most recent being 2001, I opted to begin with that one,
the first song becoming The Queenmaker. Soon, the music started to show up...

  The coronation of the Queen -
la la la, la la
  Of the Princess Ottoline -
la la la, la la
  Safely locked away inside -
la la la, la la
Is there no one on her side -
la la la, la la
  They strayed too far from the
track, is there no going back?
  Or have they drifted back in time?
"I think we're lost!" they chime
  Unto the castle on the hill
where with an iron will
  The Chamberlain usurps the throne of she who's locked alone   The mistaken girl is treated fair -
la la la, la la
  They miss the plotting of the bear -
la la la, la la
  To switch the princesses at night - la la la, la la
Who look the same upon first sight - la la la, la la
  They strayed too far from the
track, is there no going back?
Or have they drifted back in time?
"I think we're lost!" they chime
  Unto the castle on the hill
where with an iron will
  The Chamberlain usurps the throne of she who's locked alone   Double trouble, toil and twitch
Who in the Kingdom can sense the switch?
  And just as the crown is lifted high
The crowd can hear a solemn cry:
  "Chamberlain, your day is lost
Collect your pride and count the cost for I am the Princess
Ottoline And today is
mine to be the Queen!"
  They strayed too far from the
track, is there no going back?
Or have they drifted back in time?
"I think we're lost!" they chime
  Unto the castle on the hill
where with an iron will
  The Chamberlain usurps the throne of she who's locked alone       La la la la la, la la...
© Liam Birch, 1994-2007
Images © Copyright, Express Newspapers Ltd. 2001