Rupert Annual 1980


Rupert and the Flavours

This one has undergone some serious surgery. The original was written in 1994 and served
as the inspiration for the rest. But, after writing The Magicmaker in 2001, I felt that
The Rainmaker was not exactly up to par. I took the main motif and developed a middle section
with a different rhythm which I carried on into a new variation. I then rewrote the lyrics entirely
to fit the new length and the style that I had now fallen in to. The result is much better than the
original, especially the finale which I find to be a very beautiful melody.

  1   2   3
  On the horizon the clouds are moving; Poised to pour down from the heavens   Yet something strange, it seems,
is happening to the rain
that comes downward falling
  Delicious flavour seems to linger -
"Quite a feat," admits the stranger
  4   5   6
  "I can make it taste of fish
or any other food I wish"
  The friends admire the man's invention and fail to see such intervention   The mast that pumps out the liquid flavour needs attention to the sprayer
  7   8   9
  Rupert now must climb the tower
And fix the leak within the hour
  The birds that guard the
hollow skies have vowed to
cause the man's demise
  10   11   12
  They sleep as it snows in the night
When they wake they know that
something isn't right
  Podgy tests the fruit-flavoured snow
But Rupert knows there's
one more place to go
  All the birds have
vanished from the woods
He finds a guide to show him
where they hide
  13   14   15
  The flavoured rain has stolen their supply; They seek revenge and soar upon the wind across the sky   Rupert knows the flavours have to
die, now Rupert knows the
flavours have to die
  The feathered frenzy will end the tests and put the troubled birds at rest
  16   17   18
  They make their way towards the mast to rectify the rain at last   And promise to be true to science
And work with nature in complete compliance
  19       20
          We should leave well alone
© Liam Birch, 1994-2007
Images © Copyright, Express Newspapers Ltd. 1980