Rupert Annual 1980


Rupert and the Seaweed

I actually had a great song with a watery sound from my yamaha keyboard, but I ended
up stealing that for a Narnia song entitled Shadowlands. But eventually, after a long
song-writing drought, I came up with The Seamaker. I like the "Break the waves" part -
it has that imperative feel which is needed for the subject matter.

  There, out on the waves,
something will take your breath
  A blue not natural here,
come from the murky depth
  One more holiday mired
by the endless sea
  And Rupert and his friend hoping
to make it back in time for tea
  Break the waves and tell me
where I can find
  The ones who'll eat the weed
and halt the madness of the tide
  Off to southern seas in search
of a friendly face
  Accosted by the offspring
of this foreign place
  Just when all seems lost,
they sight the pinkish scales
  Who bear the weight of a world and
all of the hope that a last attempt entails
  Break the waves and tell me
where I can find
  The ones who'll eat the weed
and halt the madness of the tide
          Break the waves and tell me
where I can find
  The ones who'll eat the weed and
halt the madness of the tide
  On a ride upon the horses of the sea   Down beneath the waves to
greet the ocean's majesty
  Come to cleanse these shores
of the southern parasite
      And let us claim the sands and strike a chord to mark the fight
© Liam Birch, 1994-2007
Images © Copyright, Express Newspapers Ltd. 2001