Rupert Annual 1980


Rupert and the Star Gazer

It seemed that the few times that I could even produce a melody, I was immediately trying
to match it up with a potential Rupert song - such is the fever of doing this sort of thing.
I landed on the 1995 annual, not having found much inspiration in the others, and came up
with this tune - The Starmaker.

  1   2   3
  Come with me into the star-filled sky, look around and sea the
night glide by
  Up above the ocean's soaring waves
Make a wish upon a star today
  What is this - a sister fallen down
Flickered out and tumbled to the ground
  4   5   6
  On the beach Rupert minds his own, finds a lantern lying all alone   And a sister searching
for the light
  Takes the bear up to
the cloudy heights
  7   8   9

What is this - a sister fallen down
Flickered out and tumbled to the ground

  Pegasus escorts them
to the throne
  Of the King of stars
who watches on
  10   11   12
  In the air they navigate the lights   For to put the missing
star to rights
  Then the night can
burn forever far
  13   14   15
  Becoming true -
a wish upon a star
      Through the night the pair return
Past the stars that twinkle
as they burn
  16   17   18
  Pegasus is swooping gently down
On towards a tiny coastal town

What is this - a sister fallen down
Flickered out and tumbled to the ground

  19       20
  What is this - a sister fallen down
Flickered out and tumbled to the ground
      Seven sisters shining on me now...
© Liam Birch, 1994-2007
Images © Copyright, Express Newspapers Ltd. 1995