Club Nautique St-Louis
began in 1951 as Société Gosford and was part
of the district status Quebec
Canoe Club from 1968 to 1987. When
Lac Beauport, Lac Sergent and Lac St-Joseph all left the
Quebec Canoe Club to form separate clubs, St-Louis remained
the only site under the former QCC name. By 1991, the name
Quebec Canoe Club was dropped and the club operated as Club
de Kayak St-Louis/Club Canot-Kayak St-Louis
until they merged with Ontaritzi in 2002 to create the new
Lac St-Joseph in 2003. They became a separate club again,
de Canoë-Kayak St-Louis, in
2005 as Lac St-Joseph ceased canoeing activities.