





2016: Masters Combined

Junior Women

2012: Senior Women

2010: Masters Women

2009: Juvenile Men

2008: Midget Men
2008: Junior Men
2008: Masters Men

2005: Juvenile Men

2004: Midget Women
2004: Juvenile Men

2003: Midget Men
2003: Midget Women

1999: Midget Men
1999: Juvenile Men

1997: Midget Men

1994: Junior Men

1993: Juvenile Women
1993: Junior Women

1992: Midget
1992: Midget Men
1992: Junior
Junior Men

1991: Midget
Midget Women

1989: Junior Women

Juvenile Men

1970: Juvenile

1969: Juvenile

Gordon M. Cummings
Bert Rozee
John MacGlashen
Turney Manzer
Murray Logan
Bob MacGlashen
Ivan Brien
Mary S. Quinn
Allan Billard
Debbie Billard
Nancy McKenzie
Laura Russell
Jim Slayter
(1986: Builder)
David Graham
(1991: Official)
Scott Logan
(1998: Coach)
Shirley Horne
(2004: Official)
Dartmouth, NOVA SCOTIA
Lake Banook (First Lake)
Ancestral lands of the Mi'kma'ki, Wabanaki

Google Maps Link - photograph © Jim Marshall

Jersey paintings © Liam Birch
Current Jersey

photograph © Jim Marshall

David M. Jones

Memorial Judges Tower

100th Anniversary Book
Allan Billard

photograph © Joseph Robichaud Photography

CCA Champions 1992


Club Alumni

John MacGlashen

(Nova Scotia Sports Hall of Fame 1999: Builder)

Don Ring

Arthur Pyke, Arthur Weston, et al
Official Name: Banook Canoe Club
Former Name:
Chebucto Amateur Athletic Club
Club Colours:

1992, 2008
1968, 1969, 1971, 1990, 1991,
, 2004, 2010, 2012
1974, 1975, 1997
CanMas Champions:
1990, 1992, 1996, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2008, 2016
Maritime Division Champions: 1958, 1959, 1960, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966
Atlantic Division Champions: 1967, 1968,
1969, 1970, 1971,
1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1981, 1982, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 2000
Greatest Points Total: 2008: 685 (Champion)
The Banook Canoe Club is the oldest active club in the Atlantic Division, established by businessmen from the former Chebucto Amateur Athletic Club (founded by British servicemen c1885). Established in 1903 on the former site of the Knockabout Club, the “Redmen” or “Banooks” have a long history of success despite not joining the Canadian Canoe Association until 1953. Banook has a long history of national and international success, dominating the Atlantic canoeing scene for many decades until the establishment of further local clubs. Allan Billard's "Banook Canoe Club - Voices From Our Past" provides a wonderful in-depth look into the history of the club from before its establishment to the 100th anniversary in 2002. Aside from canoeing and kayaking, Banook offers swimming, summer arts and craft programs and a fully functional gymnasium. Banook is named after the lake, the Mi’Kmaq word for “first in a chain of lakes."
David Egan - 1988-1989
Gordon M. Cummings - 1965

Natal Day Medal

Bruce Chaisson - Head Coach 1999
Scott Logan - Coach 1985-1986
Anthony Abraham 1977 C4 500 , Donald Brien 1977 K1 500 K2 500 K4 500 , Alex Canning 2022 K1 500 K2 500 K4 200 K4 500 , Olivia Denman 2013 K4 200 K2 200 2017 K4 200 K4 500 , Carl Francis 1985 C1 500 C4 500 C1 6k , Steve Gallagher 1977 C4 500 , Steve Gallant 1981 C2 500 C4 500 , Graham Gallant 1977 K4 500 , Ian Gaudet 2022 K2 500 K2 1000 K1 200 K4 200 K4 500 , Scott Horrocks 1977 K4 500 , Robert Laureijs 2017 K2 500 K4 200 K4 1000 , Rodney Lyons 1969 C4 1000 C15 1000 , Archie MacGlashen 1969 K4 1000 C15 1000 , Daniel Marks 2005 C1 200 C2 200 C4 1000 , Jenna Marks 2005 C1 200 C2 1000 C2 6k 2009 C1 200 C1 500 C1 1000 C2 500 C2 1000 C4 500 , Bill Marshall 1969 C15 1000 , Jason McCoombs 2009 C1 500 C1 200 C2 1000 , Jack McDonald 2001 K1 500 K1 1000 K4 1000 , Jeremy Mock 2013 K4 1000 , David Morris 1981 C4 500 , Ivy Murphy 2022 K4 200 K4 500 , Cole Parsons 2022 K1 5k K2 1000 K4 500 Mix K2 500 , Jim Pike 1969 C4 1000 C15 1000 , Kirk Poulos 1977 K2 500 K4 500 , Barry Ring 1981 K4 500 , Dennis Ring 1969 K1 1000 K2 1000 K4 1000 C15 1000 , Justin Rodgers 2001 C1 200 C1 500 C2 1000 C4 1000 , Roy Rozee 1969 C4 1000 C15 1000 , John Rozee 1969 C4 1000 C15 1000 1973 K4 1000 , David Russell 1997 C2 500 C2 200 C2 6k , Bob Russell 1969 C15 1000 , Tim Schaus 1973 K2 1000 , Scott Sheffer 2001 C2 6k , Adam Tenwolde 2009 K2 500 K2 1000 , 2013 K4 1000
Bob MacGlashen 
OLYMPICS 1964; NA Champs 1963 C1 1000 , 1964 C1 1000 C4 1000
Chris Hook    
OLYMPICS 1968; Worlds 1970-71; Pan Ams 1967 C1 10k C1 1000 ; NA Champs 1966 C1 1000 C1 10k , 1967 C1 1000 C1 10k , 1968 C1 1000 C4 1000 C1 10k , 1970 C2 1000 C4 1000 C1 10k (Nova Scotia Sport Hall of Fame 1982)
Alvin Brien  
OLYMPICS 1980 † ; Worlds 1979-81; PA Champs 1978 K4 1000 K4 500 , 1979 K4 1000 K4 500
Donald Brien
OLYMPICS 1980†, 1984, 1988; Worlds 1982-83, 1985 K2 1000 , 1985-89; NA Champs 1977 Jr K1 500 Jr K2 500 Jr K4 500 Jr K1 10k ; PA Champs 1979 K4 1000 K4 500 , 1981 K1 1000 K1 500 K2 1000 K2 500 K4 1000 K4 500 K1 10k , 1983 K1 1000 K2 1000 K4 1000 K4 500 , 1988 K2 10k K2 500 K2 1000 (Nova Scotia Sports Hall of Fame 2008)
Mihai Apostal
OLYMPICS 1996, 2000; Worlds 1993, 1994, 1995, 1997, 1999; Pan Ams 1999
(emigrated from Romania )
Andrew Russell
OLYMPICS 2008; Worlds 2006 C4 1000 ; 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011; Jr. Worlds 1999, 2001; Pan Ams 2011; PA Champs 2000 Jr C2 1000 Jr C2 500 Jr C1 500 , 2001 Jr C2 200 , 2006 C2 200 C2 500 C2 1000 , 2008 C2 500 C2 1000 (COQ), 2010 C2 200 C2 1000  
Jason McCoombs
OLYMPICS 2012; Worlds 2013 C1 Relay , 2014, 2015; Jr. Worlds 2009, 2011; U23 Worlds 2013 C1 200 , 2014; Pan Ams 2015 C1 200 ; PA Champs 2010 Jr C1 200 Jr C1 500 Jr C2 200 Jr C1 1000 Jr C4 1000  
Ben Russell
Worlds 2010, 2011, 2013 C1 Relay , 2014, 2015; Jr. Worlds 2005, 2009; Pan Ams 2007 C1 1000 , 2015 C2 500 ; PA Champs 2005 Jr C1 500 Jr C2 200 , 2008, 2009, 2010 C4 1000 C1 500  
Jenna Marks
Worlds 2009 C1 200 C2 200 C2 500 ; PA Champs 2008 C2 1000 C2 200 C1 500 , 2009 C2 200 C2 500 C2 1000 , 2010 C1 500 C1 1000 C2 200 C2 500 C2 1000 C1 200
Bruce Chaisson
Jr. Worlds 1979; PA Champs 1978 Jr K4 500 , 1979 Jr K4 1000 , 1981 K2 1000 K2 500 K4 1000 , 1982 K2 500 , 1983 K1 1000 K2 500 K4 1000 K4 500 K2 10k , 1986 K4 1000
Denise Gray
Jr. Worlds 1979; NA Champs 1977 Jr K2 5k ; PA Champs 1978 Jr K4 500 Jr K2 500 , 1979 Jr K4 500 Jr K1 500 Jr K2 500
Brian Burns
Jr. Worlds 1987; PA Champs 1986 Jr C2 1000 Jr C2 500
Laura McKenzie
Jr. Worlds 1993
David Russell
Jr. Worlds 1999
Michael Schaus  
Jr. Worlds 2005; PA Champs 2005 Jr K4 200 Jr K4 500 Jr K4 1000
Adam Tenwolde
Jr. Worlds 2009; U23 Worlds 2014, 2015; Jr. Team 2010; PA Champs 2010 Jr K1 200 Jr K1 500 Jr K2 200
Patrick Vaughan
Jr. Worlds 2009
Liam O'Brien 
Jr. Worlds 2013; U23 Worlds 2015; PA Champs 2013 Jr K2 1000  
Robert Laureijs
Jr. Worlds 2014
Olivia Denman 
Jr. Worlds 2014
Ian Gaudet (began at Abenaki)
Jr. Worlds 2021 K1 500 ; U23 Worlds 2022, 2023; Pan Ams 2023 K2 500
Cole Parsons (began at Abenaki)
Jr. Worlds 2021
Emily Parsons
Jr. Worlds 2021
Ivy Murphy
Jr. Worlds 2023
Alex Canning
U23 Worlds 2021, 2022, 2023; PA Champs 2018 Jr K4 500 K2 1000 K1 1000
Jack Hall
U23 Worlds 2021
Karen (Jamieson) Lynch
Pan Ams 1967 K4 500 ; NA Champs 1964 K1 500  
Fred Lynch 
NA Champs 1965 K2 1000 (Nova Scotia Sports Hall of Fame 1985: Builder) 
Donnie MacLeod 
NA Champs - 1970 C4 1000  
Tom Graham
NA Champs 1970 C2 C4 1000
Alan Dewtie 
NA Champs 1970 C4 1000 , 1973 C2 1000 C4 1000  
Dennis Ring  
NA Champs 1971 K2 10k , 1972 K4 1000 K1 10k , 1973 K4 1000
Dawna Ring 
NA Champs 1973 K4 500  
Kirk Poulos 
NA Champs 1977 Jr K4 500 Jr K2 10k
Scott Horrocks 
NA Champs 1977 Jr K4 500 Jr K2 10k
Rick Horne
NA Champs 1977 C2 1000 C2 500 C2 10k
Richard Morris
NA Champs 1977 C2 1000 C2 500 C2 10k
Graham Gallant
NA Champs 1977 Jr K4 500 ; PA Champs 1983 Jr C2 500  
Scott Logan
PA Champs 1981 K4 1000 K4 500
Anthony Abraham
PA Champs 1983 C2 1000
Barry Ring
PA Champs 1985 K4 1000 K4 500 , 1986 K4 500
Carl Francis
PA Champs 1986 Jr C1 500 Jr C2 500
Meaghan Wright 
PA Champs 2008
Trent Waterhouse
Junior Team 1992
Jason Fleming
Junior Team 1992
Brent Rupert
Junior Team 2004
Lucy MacLeod
Junior Team 2012
Jack Chubaty